Researched and developed solutions for problems arising in projects where Swagger / OpenAPI GeoJSON support in REST API endpoints utilizing generated EMF model code is required. Problems included: lack of configuration options, missing features, as well as usage of generated EMF model code, which prevents utilization of Swagger Annotations.

Technology stack

  • Java 11
  • EMF ( Eclipse Modeling Framework )
  • Eclipse MMT / QVTO
  • Gecko
    • Gecko EMF
    • Gecko EMF Utilties
    • Gecko EMF Persistence
    • Gecko Search
  • Swagger
    • Swagger Annotations
    • Swagger JAX-RS
    • Swagger Gradle Plugin
  • OpenAPI Generator
  • Java RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)
  • JSON
  • Apache Felix
  • Eclipse Jetty 9
  • OSGi 7
  • Junit
  • BND 6.3.1
  • Gradle 6.6.1
  • MongoDB
  • Docker Compose
  • Bash
  • Dart
  • Flutter



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