- 2021-12-28 Developing RESTful APIs becomes tedious and time consuming when even for the slightest changes applied you need to modify not only the backend code responsible for processing API calls, but also test scripts and test data used to verify that the API ...

- 2021-11-14 At the recent EclipseCon 2021, October 25-28 2021, during my session “Automated testing of OpenAPI-described RESTful microservices utilizing open source tools”, I presented enhancements made to the K6 OpenAPI Generator project. ...

- 2019-06-26 JAXenter, a major professional information portal for enterprise technologies, recently published my article: Automated build and deployment of Docker containerized OSGi applications on Kubernetes. ...

- 2019-06-26 DZone, one of the world’s largest online communities and leading publisher of knowledge resources for software developers, recently published my article: Data Streaming in OSGi R7 applications With OSGi R7 Push Stream and Server Sent Events. ...

- 2019-04-28 Let’s move on to automating Kubernetes deployments now, having automated building of Docker images containing latest versions of our applications and pushing them to registry, as described in my most recent article “Painless Monolith breakup or how a...

- 2019-04-28 Having our code modularized, select modules already communicating asynchronously via a messaging solution of our choice, transitioning the Monolith application to work in a cluster is simply a matter of deciding which of those modules should comprise...

- 2019-04-28 Continuing on the GUI thread, it’s a good time to provide more information regarding the single page application tying together all the user-facing functionality, briefly touched upon in the previous article “Implementing efficient monitoring of long...

- 2019-04-28 Providing users of your application with feedback regarding long running operations used to require utilizing pull based solutions such as polling. With Server Sent Events and OSGi R7 Push Stream1, a far more efficient approach is possible, where its...

- 2019-04-28 One of the 12+ implementations of OSGi R7 specifications utilized in the Automated Linguistic Analysis application I put together https://github.com/ideas-into-software/automated-linguistic-analysis is OSGi R7 Promises. You can read the spec1, but ex...

- 2019-04-28 One of the many good practices OSGi1 frameworks impose is properly modularizing your code. Having your app modularized, you have quite a few choices when it comes to communication between those modules. You can build your applications as “MonolithFir...