Migrated 30 “Apache Felix” sub-projects to “Jakarta Servlet API 6.0” https://jakarta.ee/specifications/servlet/6.0/ and “Whiteboard Specification for Jakarta™ Servlet” https://docs.osgi.org/specification/osgi.cmpn/8.1.0/service.servlet.html, as required by multiple commercial projects being worked on.

This project included, among others:

  • Upgrade and refactoring of 30 “Apache Felix” project sub-projects – including “Apache Felix HTTP”, “Apache Felix Health Checks”, “Apache Felix Webconsole”, and other – to support “Jakarta Servlet API 6.0” and “OSGi Jakarta Servlet Whiteboard”
  • Upgrade of required dependencies to support “Jakarta Servlet API 6.0” – e.g. “Servlet Whiteboard API” (‘org.osgi.service.servlet’)
  • Verification via both integration tests and as part of an actual project https://github.com/geckoprojects-org/org.gecko.graphql/pull/8

Technology stack

  • Java 17
  • Apache Felix
    • Apache Felix HTTP
      • Apache Felix HTTP Base
      • Apache Felix HTTP Bridge
      • Apache Felix HTTP Inventory Printer
      • Apache Felix HTTP Integration Tests
      • Apache Felix HTTP Jetty
      • Apache Felix HTTP Proxy
      • Apache Felix Servlet API
      • Apache Felix HTTP SSL Filter
      • Apache Felix HTTP Webconsole Plugin
    • Apache Felix Health Checks
    • Apache Felix Webconsole
    • Apache Felix Webconsole Plugins
    • Apache Felix System Ready
    • Apache Felix Inventory
  • Jakarta Servlet API 6.0
  • Eclipse Jetty 12
  • OSGi 8.1, including OSGi Jakarta Servlet Whiteboard API and other
  • BND
  • Maven



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